公司介绍公司介绍北京yl6809永利企业管理顾问有限公司(以下简称yl6809永利)于2000年创立,是国家认监委批准的管理体系认证咨询机构(批准号: CCAA-ZX-2016-003)和国家注册审核员培训机构(批准号:CNCA-P-2011-161)。 作为专业化、一体化咨询的主要实践者,yl6809永利坚持以协助客户实现最终绩效为导向,以持续的产品与服务创新为动力,逐步形成了具有自身特色的服务模式,并成长为企业管理体系咨询、标准化咨询以及风险管控咨询领域中最具影响力的咨询服务公司之一。 yl6809永利的独特优势在于,从公司成立之初就由高层管理者直接带动咨询产品和服务项目的研发。在yl6809永利所擅长的领域里,基于长期的业务积淀并应用先进的信息技术,公司创立了拥有自主知识产权的分析模型、分析方法以及管理思想, 包括建立在企业核心业务流程基础上的多管理系统整合;基于组合式分级风险评估的企业风险管理系统;以绩效为导向的企业管理体系绩效评估系统等。 yl6809永利在所专长的服务领域里专注于各行业的机遇、面临的问题以及可应用的技术标准和管理模式,这样,保证yl6809永利能够在为客户量身定制创新性解决方案的基础上,为客户提供务实、高效同时具有前瞻性的咨询技术服务。 yl6809永利的客户很多是各自领域的领先者,其中包括世界五百强企业、国有大型企业集团、国家质量奖获得企业等, 如联想集团、松下、东芝、中石油、中石化、中海油、中化集团、大唐能源、神华宁煤集团、第一汽车、东风汽车、上海通用汽车、中远集团、万达集团等。yl6809永利的求真务实、进取创新的风格日益受到普遍的认同,并成为越来越多优秀企业的长期合作伙伴。yl6809永利的客户有30%来自于老客户推荐,同时30%以上的客户保持了5年以上的服务。 Founded in 2000, Beijing Zhongbiaolian Enterprise Management Consulting Ltd is a “management system certification” consulting agency approved by the CNCA (approval number: CCAA-ZX-2016-003) and a nationally registered auditor training agency (approval number: CNCA-P-2011-161). Zhongbiaolian assists clients achieve their ultimate business goals by taking an integrated approach to product and service through innovation, and gradually helping form a service model that is unique to the client, through existing or enhanced corporate management system. Over the years, Zhongbiaolian has gained the reputation as one of the most influential management consulting service companies in the field of consulting, standardization of management practices using management systems, and risk management consulting. At Zhongbiaolian, the senior management directly drives the research and development of consulting products and service projects. Given our years of experience and knowledge gained during this period, we have embraced the use of advanced information technology, to create and fine tune analysis models, analysis methods and management ideas with independent intellectual property rights, including multiple management systems based on the core business processes of the enterprise Integration; corporate risk management system based on combined hierarchical risk assessment; performance-oriented corporate management system performance evalsuation system, etc. We focus on enhancing opportunities while minimizing problems faced by various industries, as well as introduce new applicable technical standards and management models in the client’s service areas of its expertise. We provide clients with solid viable customized innovative solutions based on practical, pragmatic, effective and efficient forward-looking consulting technical services. Many of our clients and customers are leaders in their respective fields, including Fortune 500 companies, large state-owned enterprise groups, and national quality award-winning companies, such as Lenovo Group, Panasonic, Toshiba, PetroChina, Sinopec, CNOOC, Sinochem, Datang Energy, Shenhua Ningxia Coal Group, FAW, Dongfeng Motor, Shanghai General Motors, COSCO Group, Wanda Group, etc. An honest, pragmatic, enterprising and innovative style of Zhongbiaolian is increasingly recognized by the general public, and it has become a long-term partner of more and more outstanding enterprises. 30% of our new customers are recommended by existing clients, and more than 30% of customers have been with us for more than 5 years. Contact us: Beijing Zhongbiaolian Enterprise Management Consulting Ltd. Address: A3-906, Guozhan Yingte Apartment, No. 28, Xiba Hexili, Chaoyang District, Beijing phones: 010-64787735 Email: 【公司愿景】 成为中国领先的企业管理体系、标准化和风险管控咨询的服务机构。 【价值观】 以协助客户实现最终绩效大导向,不断推行和追求最佳实践。 【核心竞争力】 ◆方法与流程创新: 软件加咨询,营造无竞争空间; 应用一流的软件技术与创新的咨询流程结合,打造自身独有的方法论和支术构架。 ◆产品与服务创新: 基于企业源头性根本需求,不断推出的创新性产品和服务。 ◆运营与机制创新: -以客户价值为中心的项目管理机制 -以培训与发展为基础的咨询师能力考评机制 . 以产品专业化和行业专业化为依托的业务发展模式 ◆文化与思维创新: 尊重客户价值、尊重员工价值、尊重社会价值为基调,营造yl6809永利独有的企业文化。 【企业文化】 敬岗与爱国;尊严与从容: 坦诚与团结;责任与担当; 学习与分享:求是与创新。 【人才战略】 用高尚的文化吸引人才 用公平的待遇留住人才 用发展的机遇成就人才 |